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School pass

You get the School pass:

  • If your way to school is more than two kilometres away from home
  • If you're not in the 11th grade yet und have not completed the lower secondary level yet

  • A passport photo for the customer card (only when applying for a new one)
  • A customer card. You will get it in the school secretariat
  • A current token. You get it in the school secretariat as well – for each school year you need a new one

  • The School pass must be filled out and signed
  • With every change or damage you need to return the pass to the school (place of issue). If you change school, you get a new customer card from the new school
  • If you forget to take your School pass, you need to buy a regular ticket and validate it
  • If you have lost your School pass or it was stolen, you have to report the loss immediately at school. There you will get a new one after ten days at a cost of 25 euros

The School pass is valid:

  • For three zones (ABC)
  • From the 1st day of the new school year until the first days of the following school year
  • Seven days a week, day and night (also during the holidays)
  • For the holder only

  • The School pass is free!

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    Zwei Personen stehen an einer Haltestelle. Im Hintergrund sieht man einen fahrenden regiobus, der sich der Haltestelle nähert.
  • Bicycle transport

    Bike and Public Transport – this fits together perfectly! Are you planning a trip to the countryside or do want to go just a part of the way by bicycle? No problem – just take your bike with you on our buses and trains. All transport companies of the GVH/ÜSTRA offer special utility spaces inside the vehicles.

    Zwei Personen stehen an einer Haltestelle. Im Hintergrund sieht man einen fahrenden regiobus, der sich der Haltestelle nähert.
  • Where to get tickets?

    Whether by app or in person at the customer center, you can find an overview of the ways in which you can buy your ticket here.